Wednesday, September 17, 2008

When Will It Stop?

Samuel L. Jackson is in another movie. Lakeview Terrace. He plays a cop whose inter-racial neighbors stir his ire and, well, he hates it when his ire is stirred. Wow, Jackson plays someone who gets angry and frustrated...much like the patrons of his films feel after watching that crap. Seriously, someone has got to call Hollywood and get them to stop sending him scripts. It isn't that he is a horrible actor, well, that's not completely true, but what gets me is that he won't say no. Pulp Fiction was a great film, but it was also over a decade ago. Since then, Jackson has gotten so overplayed that you could play 6 Degrees of Samuel Jackson easier than 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon. Ohhhhh, you were in Star was Hayden Chirstiansen, and look how well his career has blossomed. I've seen people happier getting dialysis than watching Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. Let's take a look at the recent filmography and see if I am right about him.

Lakeview Terrace- haven't even seen it, and so much the better for it.
Jumper- "We travellin' thru the future muthafu%#er!"
1408- "There's spirits in these muthafu%#in' hotels!"
Black Snake Moan- "I gotta help a stupid muthaf&$in white girl!"
Snakes on a Plane- "Muthaf$#in' snakes on this muthaf%#in plane!"
Star Wars 1,2 3- "Use the Force, muthaf*@ker!"
XXX 2- "You gonna save the muthaf@*kin world!"
Coach Carter- "There's no cryin' in muthaf*#in basketball!"

And these are only the past 3 years. I'd sooner vote Democrat than consciously watch a Samuel Jackson film. If he were smart, he would ink a deal with Luden's Lozenges...with all the yelling he does, I imagine he burns thru a case of those per day.

1 comment:

Prime Mover said...

It will never stop. It will keep going and going and mutherfucking going and mother fucking cock sucking going until Jackson gets cut down my Anakin Skywalker.