Thursday, June 26, 2008

Baracka No Walka Da Walka

We have already begun this year's election hatefest, and I can't tell you how amusing it has been. As you can see from previous posts, I am supporting McCain and as I am a white middle-class male, I should be supporting him. While I may not like the idea of Barack Obama as president, what scares me more is that, to this day, very few people can actually tell me what he believes on any major issue outside of the Bullet Points he came up with awhile ago. And those points aren't even that descriptive. Say what you will, but we are headed down a very scary road with BarackaIranaObama.
Iraq War: Barack believes this is a bad war and when he campaigns, he tells everyone he would call for a pullout of Iraq (not a very manly thing to do.) However, looking into his opinions, he actually plans on supporting whatever the generals in charge over there say. If they say we can leave, we leave, and Osama will take the credit. If they say we need to stay, he will agree and then tell the American people that it is "for the best, to ensure our strong diplomatic relations with Iraq." What a bunch of shit.
The economy: Is it struggling? Probably. It happens, every so many years after a peak. It's called a market goes up and down. Barack will tell you that high gas prices are hurting the economy, and that outsourcing jobs are hurting the economy, and that illegals should stay because they are helping to curb the economy crisis. Bullshit. This is a complete oxymoronic statement. High gas prices are bringing businesses back because they don't want to have to pay to ship their crap overseas. Some of those outsourced jobs are coming back as well, because like it or not, we've got space. Illegals contribute to bringing more illegals over and do not put jack into our system where it is needed. Jesus, the Medellin cartel gets more money from illegals that we do. They're parasitic, eating up the natural resources and multiplying.
The environment: Don't even get me started. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
The health care system: Baracka Meanwife-a Obama and Hill-dog supported a universal health care system. Good idea. I mean, it works in Canada right? Michael Moore said so, and God knows he's as honest as ol' Abe. People in England and Canada, under their respective universal systems come here for surgeries. Why? Because if they don't, they'll wait. And wait. And wait a bit more for a spot to open up but by the time they get their shot, the very reason they were waiting has gobbled up what was left of them and spit them out on the Universal Expressway. Wanna lower the cost of health care? Here's an idea. If people want bariatric surgery, make them lick envelopes at home until they have the money to pay for their surgery. You'll find plenty of opportunites for this on online job websites. Need a kidney? Buy one on the black market or go down to Mexico and steal one of the kidneys they yanked out of some college student while vacationing in Cozumel. See? Lotsa fun ways to make this work, and you'll get to see parts of the world you may never get to see again. Avoid the water.
I dunno, I just can't help but think about how this country may spiral out of control. Then again, maybe I am wrong, and everything will be super. I think I'll err on the side of uncertainty. Please McCain, pick a good VP. We're gonna need him, or her, or it.

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