Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday Night Fights!

In case you missed it, the first round of Debata McCaina Obama has come and gone. Questions tonight included an opening spot on the current financial crisis. Naturally, neither candidate answered the question in the time given, but that's pretty much expected. After that, a series of 7 questions about Iraq, Russia, Iran, and other gems of the civilized world.

Honestly, it wasn't bad. Obama did not cower in the face of McCain's experience, and McCain did not shy away from Obama's smooth delivery. If awards were given for delivery, Obama would be slightly ahead, but as debates are won by the best answers and the best product, I believe McCain won. Let me tell you why.

Obama sounds great, he tells the public everything they want to hear. My problem, as has always been my problem, is that he still will not tell me exactly what he wants to do and how he plans on doing it. Case in point: a tax cut for 95% of Americans. Sweet, I'm in, but how, in the face of a 500-700 billion dollar bailout, do you plan on doing that? Tell me. Afghanistan: We need more troops there. I agree, but we have sent over 20,000 troops there since you first made that statement. And you want to send more? Mmmkay, buddy.

McCain did a better job, in my humble opinion, with all discussions on foreign nations. Experience, whether you like it or not, is a huge plus for McCain. When he says these things, he makes you understand and believe him. With Obama, hell, half the time he agreed with McCain. As for the economy, on the forefront of most of America's minds, I believe that they both hit the talking points, but neither candidate answered the question posed to them, a not-uncommon thing in debates. McCain did finally come around, and say something that I have believed since my glory days in the mega-liberal Political Science Department at Indiana University. Pork. That beloved juicy add-on affixed to bills sent thru Congress. I detest pork. McCain said that he would cut, line by line, any porkbarrel spending. Obama semi-agreed, but sidestepped around saying he would do the same. (Feel free to look thru the congressional annals and find the amount of pork added by Obama to bills for Illinois and himself. Most recently, look for a company called Acorn.) I have long believed that the removal of porkbarrel spending from Congress would cut billions each year, and it would certainly put a sizable dent in the bailout money. McCain finally came up with something, and I believe it would work. People will respond to that.

Could we be hit with another 9/11 attack? Both were asked, and neither answered. The answer is "yes." Like it or not, it's still easy to come here. Barack went back to how other countries see us, and McCain went back to Iraq.

Here's my rant. Debates are, for the most part, a waste of time. Candidates come from both sides and generally do not answer the questions posed to them in a timely manner. Instead, they kind of talk about it, and then bring it to a different point they are comfortable with. Debates are an opportunity for each candidate to throw out a few new ideas on current issues, but the answers for the most part are contrived and rehearsed. When I watch a debate, I actually listen...I see how many times one candidate says something that is supposed to rattle the other candidate. I watch how they react to their opponent's answers (Remember Al Gore?). I listen to what they're saying and this is what I see. McCain hammered government spending, and I believe that is a major factor going into the next four years. Obama hit taxes, and I believe that is another major factor. I believe drilling for more oil is a damn good idea. I believe that giving companies tax breaks is not a bad thing, especially if it keeps them here. And I believe that we do not need someone who agreed with his opponent 8 times in 90 minutes.

I really thought the debates were entertaining. You could see that McCain got under Obama's skin a few times, really showing that Obama is very much human. It shook him a little. Barack also didn't come back hard, but he came back enough to keep the debate moving fairly. I believe that Obama's camp will be happy with the fact that he did not get blown out, and I believe McCain's camp will be happy because he came out strong on foreign policy and held his own against Mr. Cool. Personally, as this debate was supposed to be about foreign policy, I believe McCain sold me as the better candidate.

Coming up next week, Delaware Dog vs. Barracuda!!! Watch out Joe, she's armed.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

All where's your blog on the VP debate?

Where's the pork?
Thanks to Obama...$931 million in 941 days on the job.
And McCain? $0 in 7,000+ days...

Wow. You're right on target my friend. :)