Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Indianapoliser: Real News, Real People, Real Humor.

While I generally prefer to toot my own horn and not endorse the efforts of most people unless it will somehow make me better or more popular, I have found a new blog which I will be adding to my Poet Laureates list.  The blog is call The Indianapoliser, and one of the writers/editors of this gem is Ed Rudisell, an old friend of mine from the Smokey Joe chapter of Godfather's Bio.  He also owns the Siam Square Thai Cuisine restaurant in Fountain Square.  I plan to visit soon as I have heard good things about it.  But back to the blog.

The Indianapoliser features local news, entertainment, and other assorted morsels of literary creativity.  News from around the state is gathered by The Indianapoliser, fed milk and honey, kept warm, arranged like a musical score on their site for all to see and the reader can bask in its warm amber glow of sarcasm and humor.  From Snuggie-induced deaths to the Wishard Hotel/Casino, no one is safe.

For example, Indianapoliser reported on the newest iPhone Osama bin Laden tracker app:
The application uses the iPhone’s built-in GPS navigation and satellite links to send real-time updates to the app’s users. “We set up the program to only show people that match a specific set of criteria: male, Middle Eastern, over 6’5”, a large entourage carrying automatic weapons nearby, and a giant dialysis machine,” said Derek Pyle, lead programmer for OFind. “It turned out that it wasn’t really that difficult.”
If you like Twitter (I hate you), you can tweet along with the Indianapoliser or you can follow them on Facebook. Either way, make the Indianapoliser one of your stops on the Information Superhighway simply because I said so. Perhaps this blog post will warrant me a free dinner at Siam Square Thai Cuisine or at least a chance to search the dumpster after they close.

(Photo courtesy of The Indianapoliser.)

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