Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Doctor Is In....Sort Of.

Hahahahahahahahaha.  Welcome to health care reform!


John Peddie said...

I'm kinda surprised you posted this, considering how bad it makes Republicans look.

Godfather Weilhammer said...

I don't think it makes Republicans look bad at all. It makes this man look angry at what is going to happen to his career. It does not show him refusing care...if someone walks in who supported Obama, he'd provide medical care. What it shows is how people are so quick to label this guy a GOP racist when all he did was express his opinion at his office. The comments he has received from fine upstanding people like yourself are far worse than his sign.

John Peddie said...

Well, he'll be back with Jesus soon, since the health care bill is going to bring about both the end of the world as we know it and the 24-hour Flavor Flav channel. The reason John Boehner is still so angry is because he was just sure he was going to be doinking those 72 virgins by now.

Godfather Weilhammer said...

Now, buddy, I think we both know that it will not bring about the end of the world, at least not until December 2012. Even you would hate the Flavor Flav Channel, booyyyyyyy.